Residential solar power in NC is a very real option. We’ll cover state and federal subsidies for solar installation below, but let’s first look at solar specific to North Carolina. You may not be aware, but North Carolina is a clean energy leader. NC has the 9th highest number of green energy industry jobs in the country and the 4th highest solar energy generating capacity in the United States. That is per the Solar Energy Industries Association.
4th highest capacity.
A 2022 study by the Environment North Carolina Research & Policy Center & Frontier Group put North Carolina 8th nationally for rooftop solar potential on big box stores, and that would make sense. The study listed the average Walmart’s rooftop potential at 180,000 square feet. That’s substantial.
Newsflash, the roof of your home has solar potential as well. Connect with an expert installer, licensed in North Carolina, today for a free consultation to learn about your roof’s solar potential (and the state and federal subsidies). Call 1-866-227-1362 today to get connected and take your first step towards free electricity from the sun!

There are, generally speaking, two options for rooftop/residential solar, grid-tied and off-grid. Grid-tied systems have the advantage of being able to draw power from the grid when the sun isn’t shining, and some utilities will actual pay for the power you generate that you don’t use, and thus send back to the grid. Off-grid systems require battery storage, and are thus more expensive, but you are 100% self-sufficient with regards to electricity, and never lose power in an outage.
Battery systems cannot be grid-tied. Otherwise there would be a risk of sending power into the grid during an outage while workers are working on restoring power, a potentially dangerous situation.
There are often state and federal subsidies for installing residential solar. In North Carolina, those include Duke Energy’s Solar Rebate program, property tax abatement for solar installs, the Piedmont Electric Renewable and Solar Energy Loan Program, Dominion Energy’s various rebate and rewards programs, as well as net-metering (selling power back to the grid). These are on top of the federal Solar Tax Credit! Your installer will be able to ensure you get the rebates and incentives you qualify for.
Solar Power in NC, Let’s Break Down the Subsidies
Duke Energy’s NC Solar Rebate Program offers residential customers $.40 per watt, non-residential customers $.30 per watt, and $.75 per watt to nonprofits, but is currently waitlisted at the time of publication.
The North Carolina Department of Revenue determined that solar installations are taxable in a 2011 memorandum, subject to an 80% exclusion, unless they are excluded as non-business personal property, in which case they would be 100% excluded. Your certified NC solar installer will be able to help you understand what level of exclusion your installation would qualify for.
Piedmont Electric offers several rebate and loan programs aimed at energy efficiency and green energy. The home upgrade loan program cover energy efficient upgrades including solar hot water heaters, heat pumps, purchase and installation of photovoltaic (solar) panels, replacement of poorly insulated doors and windows, etc.
PSNC has a variety of rebate and reward programs for residential power customers.
Most NC power customers qualify for net-metering (selling excess electricity back to the utility company), but some new rules and tariffs will take effect October, 1, 2023. Thankfully, your installer knows the ins and outs of state solar policy, tax incentives, and the programs offered by your utility company.
Call 1-866-227-1362 today to find out what programs and incentives you would qualify for. Local installers are waiting to answer your questions and save you money. Free electricity from the sun, while taking full of advantage of money saving incentive programs is a win for North Carolina residents.